In order to let the children experience the beauty of spring, Wharton organized a field trip to Yuan Bo Garden. Nature is a living book for the kids to explore their curiosity. It’s also a great opportunity for kids to make observations.
准备出发喽!Ready to go!
宝贝们一路上走走停停,好不欢快~Kids paused to soak up the scenery and had a great time together!
童年最美好的记忆:第一次踏青有父母的陪伴!The very first field trip with parents. What a nice memory to have!
沿途有美丽的风景可以欣赏~We were accompanied by beautiful scenery throughout the park.
和最可爱的小伙伴们一起游玩嬉闹!Running and chasing each other around.
The field trip was an eye-opening experience and enable kids to learn more about nature. They now definitely have a better appreciation of mother nature!